Saturday, 5 November 2011

The emotional roller coaster

Well, what a few days I have had this week!

As you all know I love to work out with JT.  He's a great guy and a good trainer.  However, JT himself has been on an emotional roller coaster ride for the past couple of months too.  He has a gorgeous new girlfriend, and then his job was in jeopardy and then it wasn't and then his girlfriend moved from her home town to here and then they moved house and it's all been very stressful.  During all this our sessions have been a bit hit and miss.

Last Saturday they had a house warming for the new place.  While we were there I asked about training and I got a very short answer.  It was basically 'No more'.  I am honestly not really hurt by that - I knew he wouldn't be around forever and given all the circumstances listed above I knew it was going to be sooner rather than later.  I am disappointed, I definitely work much harder when he's there than when he's not.

So that meant I faced a decision about what to do.  I could give up - easy option, I like it!  But no, I can't do that and I don't want to do that.  So what can I do on what days......I looked at the gym timetable (I pay for the damn membership I might as well use it!) and I can do a class on a Weds and Fri morning.  OK that's a start!

Wednesday comes and I very nervously go into the gym.  Of course everyone is lovely and friendly and I did all right in the class - it was called 'Freestyle' and was aerobics meets ballroom dancing.  I enjoyed and for 45 mins I kept up.  At that point I was pretty dead physically but mentally I was shattered and I couldn't get the hang of the movement.  But I bumbled along to the end.  Not too shabby.

And then came the headache.  Followed by two days of pain in my knees and hips.  My knees even hurt to touch :( So I'm thinking this is not the way to go for me right now.  So some more research is required.  What can I do??  I know!  I love doing aqua classes.

A bit of net surfing and I found the timetable for the gym at the Australian Institute of Sport and they have a pool!  And they run all sorts of classes including four different aqua classes!  Yay!  So I called to ask about membership.  I braced myself.  I waited for the exorbitant price to come..........$60.  'A week?', I ask my heart sinking.  Oh no!  'No', she said, 'that's per month'!!  OMG!  That's cheaper than my current membership and I pay extra to use the pool or do an aqua class with that.  This includes full use of the gym and all classes including aqua! I am amazed. And excited.  Perhaps I have found my answer.....

So this Wednesday I'm going to go and try the aqua class and see how it is.  If I like it I'm going to suspend my other membership and try this place for a month.  If all is good then I'll stay there.  They have spin classes and boxafit classes so I think I'll find something I like there.

Aside from all this, I have done well with my food this week which makes me feel good.  Tomorrow's weigh in will be the test.  Hopefully there will be a minus instead of all the pluses I've been having!

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